Two in a Day, can I keep this up
In the internet and web development community there are a lot of talented people that are sitting on their skills. I know quite a few people with the technical know-how but are not using it to get anywhere.
I remember back when I was in high school and Tiger Woods was winning all his tournaments, he was not teaching us how to become a champion golfer but he was schooling us on how to become a success. "Gave myself chances", that's what Tiger said every Sunday when he pulled the win out of the bag. What Tiger Woods meant is he never gave up, he never gave ground. He found opportunities when it seemed like there were not any and he consistently moved forward while the competition folded. Tiger put his head to the grindstone and by the time he looked up, the trophy was in his hand.
The same thing applies to the internet web, development, and the technical of the most technicalist. Giving yourself chances has a twofold meaning, it is a two way street not a one way street. In the area of web development currently I don't know jack squat. I dont know how to get a domain name, how to find a host, I dont know html, or none of this stuff. I dont even have my own computer.
Like Tiger Woods I am going to ignore the competition that is ahead of me and that have more than what I have. I am going to focus on what I do have going for me, that is giving myself a chance.
My mom brought home some kind of computer that hooked up to the tv back when Bill Gates was unknown. She had someone programming our computer in MSDOS and I knew how to pull some programs like an illustrator or wordperfect. I have been following the start-up scene to the best of my ability. I like to think that I know how to read. These are all the chances that I am supposed to be giving myself. You got to ignore what you don't have and focus on what you do have. 60 minutes ran a segment yesterday about Job Bon Jovi or what his name is. They say he has inner workings that are very impressive, he's got an unusual deal with his band, a foothold in the declining music industry, and he calls himself a philanthropist. He closed the segment out with some interesting words that I am still thinking about. He said, "Most people are shoulda, woulda, coulda, but me, I say let's go!"
Interesting indeed, I have dwelt long enough on "I shoulda majored in this." I shoulda did that, I coulda did that. Take a look back, a few years has passed, its time for me to say let's go.
I might not know all the computer stuff and the programming languages, but I do know that I can envision and map this site out on paper. Im going to start with the HTML and then add stuff in that order. First things first.
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