Why Obama will Fail
Everyone is on the Obama train. I mean everyone, I’m one of the very few that are not. I was looking at the BET Awards, just flipping through. Getting a little bit of consciousness of what is happening in that world. Russell Simmons got the equivalent of a Lifetime Achievement Award, the man has his critics and I understand their position. Mr. Simmons had on a jeweled T-shirt of (drum roll) Barack Obama. This is NOT going to go right. Since when did really rich people care about who the politician is? Everyone is building their secret agendas around Obama, and Obama has an agenda of his own, to become president.
Back to my first point, something is seriously wrong, seriously seriously wrong, when millionaires care who the politician is? You want me to believe they really did bad under Bush? Do you really want me to believe that? Chris Rock during his comedy special “Kill the Messenger” said Obama’s name at least 75 times in 90 minutes. What does he care? He is already successful, or is he? Oprah Winfrey, forget about it, she’s got close to a billion dollars, getting ready to get her own channel and has media rights up the wazoo, all this has taken place under Bush, what does she care? Kanye West, you call us “The Urine and the Shit”. You worked yourself to death to become famous to the point where you fell asleep while driving, now you have made it. Do you really want me to believe that Obama can do something for you personally. Are you really vested in this? Why? Obama can’t rap, he can’t produce. Kanye said that Obama’s Democratic Nomination Speech “changed his life”. I kid you not, he said that boring long speech full of words, “changed his life”. Nigga, your mom just died!
Big Boi of Outkast, Mary J. Blige, Ludacris all you guys are rich and successful beyond your wildest dreams. Bush didn’t do anything to hurt you all. What can Obama do for you? All of these aforementioned people and MORE, I have 25 cents to my name, but don’t give me that crap. Do you really expect me to believe that you are for Obama, giving him free promotion worth millions, because when you travel internationally you get a hard time about Bush?
It can’t go right. John Legend, “Allll Along Myyyyyyyyyyyy Pilgrim’s Journeeeeey”. I know you are entrenched in the blasphemous position of worshipping Obama, why? Do you know how many musicians and artists wish they had what you have, what you got under Bush, what can Obama do for you? Lil’ Wayne, you have a very bad drug addiction and don’t think you don’t promote it when you carry around those triple stacked Styrofoam cups like a cane. You went platinum in the first week, in a recession, in the age of illegally downloaded music, UNDER BUSH, why are you telling people to vote?
Less than five percent of the people using the media to “get out the vote” could possibly be against Obama. That brings us to this Michael Jackson like status of, Everybody loves Obama. That is going to fail big time. He is a politician, he is not an economist. He has not outlined any plans to help any particular group of people, (Hint: Look at who supports him the most).
I am going with just logic here, I withhold the anthropology and the archeology only for my Indiana Jones like counterparts. Obama is going to be a huge disappointment.
I wanted to say it the very first day. I wanted to. The day McCain picked Palin was a sick joke that confirmed that the ruling powers want Obama to win. Republicans want Obama to win! While I am busy making controversial arguments let me just throw in that the Iraq War is an instrument to hide Inflation, I will get into that another time.
Republicans want Obama to win. Because Obama is going to respect the ruling class, I mean dang even Clinton couldn’t get half his agenda done in eight years. Obama is going to respect the ruling class no matter the disproportionate distribution of wealth, after all, he is “genetically” African. In Africa you have the very rich and you have the dirt poor. Obama sucked up and inhaled his roots and culture in Kenya. If the inequality in Africa affected him so, why is he not trying to be an African leader? It’s in his blood to bring that shit here. Republicans want Obama to win, exhibit A or B, it doesn’t even matter to me, Palin. America is not special needs children, but that’s the slot we would have to fit in for everything to work out under her. McCain is like the last man exiting an eight year long bank robbery, he could stay a little longer if he wanted to, it would be nice, but they have gotten more than enough.
Before I go further I am not sure Bush is even going to step down, it depends on how he perceives Obama as President Elect, go read Marc Anthony if you want to. During Bush, the rich got that bread, they got it stashed away, they fully looted the purse. Screw the dollar and maybe even the Euro, and forget about the stocks, they got their money fully protected and stashed in the hard shit. Minerals, metals, diamonds, real estate. Can’t you see that we are left holding the bag? What is Obama going to do, save us from having to hold the bag, save us from being framed, right the wrong?
Even if Obama thought in his eye blink that he just might do that, you don’t know the “Founding Fathers”, you don’t know the men on the money, you don’t know these guys, They are all giving Obama such a big big mess. The mess is so big that according to the laws of gravity its timed to get even messier three years into the new term.
It’s not that the rich in America don’t care about anybody, they got a prioritized list. They are going to make sure that Obama is going to look out for the people that they care about the Most and it’s not the people that are truly giving Obama this Michael Jackson, this blasphemous Hailie Selasi status. What Russel Simmons and all these people don’t understand. “All these people”, you are ranting, be specific, what these rich niggers don’t understand is that Obama has already sniffed up Africa and he is going to bring it to America, specifically how far as inequality and distribution of wealth is concerned.
It’s normal to him, for all he knows, that is what the bars outside the White House is for.
These rich black people actually think that Obama is going to use Other People’s Money to champion the cause of the poor and relieve some stress from them, themselves, having to do it with their own money. You rich celebrities, you rich black businessmen, you are going to get to keep your gated communities, it’s going to be a requirement, and your gated community is going to be segregated. Chris Rock, that neighbor dentist of yours who lives next to your mansion cleaning Joe the Plumber’s teeth while you travel the world pitching your soul and the cultural gems of black people in America. That dentist, your neighbor, and all you rich niggers non-black neighbors are going to have to distance themselves from you, because the line of black people banging on your door for help is going to be so long, during Obama, that you are going to get ran out of that nice community. This goes for Diddy, Oprah, Big Boi, Mary J. Blige, Russell Simmons, Ludacris, and all these rich black people who are pushing pushing this nameless, policy less narcissistic , rheotorical, strategist and manipulator named Barack Obama, He is going to fail them all big time.
Barack Obama said he would need to "meet with Colin Powell" and that he would have to "think about giving colin powell a formal position". Who the fuck does Obama think he is compared to the black man in America? See, his "Father's Day" speech. The Israelite School of UPK has already brought out that Obama supports ending Affirmative Action, any idiot with a timeline and a map knows he, himself, directly benefited from this and it wasn't even meant for him. Clarence Thomas was the one Chief Justice that Obama singled out as not being qualified and Clarence doesn't say a word on the court.
Obama is for men going to jail over child support. Which to make a long story short is, if you are separated from your child's mother, your only option at work is to do what the boss says or go to jail, no time for EEOC layoffs and hearings.
If these successful black people, if they have money period, if they were spending 10% of their money to help other black people, it’s going to rise to 60%, or they're going to go broke, or both subsequently. The Israelite School of UPK hipped me to something, Normal rich people don’t give a fuck about politics. These black people’s greed and selfishness is being channeled into raising up Obama, but they are going to be taken in their own devices.